

Project Overview

  • Project Type: Retro Console Game Clone
  • Role: Gameplay Programmer
  • Software: Visual Studio 2017
  • Languages: C++
  • Download link: Play Game
  • Programming Reel: Watch

Project Brief

Using James Mansfield's 2D engine. This retro game clone was a very interesting project to work on because I did two iterations on it. The first one using an object oriented approach with high emphasis on how classes were related to each other. The second one was using a component-based system to build independent and interchangeable modules.


  • - Implement a Component Base System to drive all game logic by analyzing every object and abstracting its properties and behaviours
  • - Calculate the collision between a circle and a box to determine the ball's bounce direction
  • - Use pure virtual functions to create en event-driven system to connect game entities, i.e. physics component with bounce component

Code Smaples

* Carlos Adan Cortes De la Fuente
* All rights reserved. Copyright (c)
* Email: dev@carlosadan.com

class GameObject
	std::vector<Component*> mComponents;

	GameObject() {}
		for (Component* pComponent : mComponents)
			delete pComponent;

	void Initialize()
		for (Component* pComponent : mComponents)

	void AddComponent(Component* pComponent)

	template<class T>
	T* FindComponent(ComponentType eType)
		for (Component* pComponent : mComponents)
			if (pComponent->GetType() == eType)
				return (T*)pComponent;

		return nullptr;

* Carlos Adan Cortes De la Fuente
* All rights reserved. Copyright (c)
* Email: dev@carlosadan.com

class Component
	Component(GameObject* pGO): mGO(pGO) {}
	~Component() {}

	virtual ComponentType GetType() const = 0;
	virtual void Initialize() {}
	virtual void Destroy() {}

	GameObject* GetGameObject() const { return mGO; }

	GameObject* mGO;

	template<class T>
	void AddToComponentVector(std::vector& componentVector)

	template<class T>
	void RemoveFromComponentVector(std::vector& componentVector)
		componentVector.erase(std::remove(componentVector.begin(), componentVector.end(), this), componentVector.end());

* Carlos Adan Cortes De la Fuente
* All rights reserved. Copyright (c)
* Email: dev@carlosadan.com
class COGBounce : public Component, public IPhysicsCollisionEvent

	static std::vector<COGBounce*> mBounceComponents;

	COGBounce(GameObject* pGO) : Component(pGO) {}
	~COGBounce() {}

	virtual ComponentType GetType() const { return ComponentType::Bounce; }

	virtual void Initialize() override
		// Registers itself to the collision events

	virtual void Destroy() override 

	virtual void OnCollision(COGPhysics* pMe, COGPhysics* pOther, exCollision collision) override 
		// Changes the velocity of the ball so it bounces off the surfaces
		exVector2& velocity = pMe->GetVelocity();

		float transformation = 2 * (velocity.x * collision.normalX + velocity.y * collision.normalY);
		collision.normalX *= transformation;
		collision.normalY *= transformation;
		velocity.x -= collision.normalX;
		velocity.y -= collision.normalY;
// Init static vector
std::vector<COGBounce*> COGBounce::mBounceComponents;