Medusa's Last Stand


Project Overview

  • Project Type: Game Jam Game
  • Team Size: 3
  • Role: Gameplay Programmer & UI Programmer
  • Software: Unity & VS Code
  • Languages: C#
  • Download link: Play Game
  • Programming Reel: Watch

Project Brief

Medusa's Last Stand is a top-down 2D action shoot 'em up where you play as Medusa shooting snakes, venom and petrifying the cyber greek soldiers that captured you. Won Best Design Game Jam Award.


  • - Create a weapon system shared by the player and enemies
  • - Built a reusable UI system
  • - Store high scores with user preferences
  • - Use post processing effects when firing and overheating the player's weapon
  • - Implement some of the particles in the game

Code Samples

* Carlos Adan Cortes De la Fuente
* All rights reserved. Copyright (c)
* Email:

public abstract class Weapon : MonoBehaviour, IAttack
    protected Transform origin;
    private float fireRate;
    private float deltaFire;

    [SerializeField, Range(0,1f)]
    private float cookOffStep = 0.1f;
    private void Update()
        deltaFire += Time.deltaTime;

    public float Attack(Quaternion direction)
        if(deltaFire > fireRate)
            deltaFire = 0f;
            return cookOffStep;
        return 0;
    protected abstract void WeaponAttack(Quaternion direction);

// Example with a close range weapon
public class CloseRangeWeapon : Weapon
    private float damage = 5f;

    private GameObject hitBox;

    protected override void WeaponAttack(Quaternion direction)
        GameObject newGO = Instantiate(hitBox, origin.position, direction);
        newGO.GetComponent<HitBox>().damage = damage;

    public float GetDamage()
        return damage;

// Example with a ranged weapon
public class MachineGun : Weapon 
    private GameObject bullet;
	protected override void WeaponAttack(Quaternion direction)
        Instantiate(bullet, origin.position, direction);
        AkSoundEngine.PostEvent("Play_MachineGun", gameObject);

* Carlos Adan Cortes De la Fuente
* All rights reserved. Copyright (c)
* Email:

// Base UI class
public abstract class UIScreen : MonoBehaviour 
    private void OnEnable()

    private void OnDisable()
    protected abstract void UIScreenEnabled();
    protected abstract void UIScreenDisabled();

// Example Game Screen Usage
public class GameScreen : UIScreen 
    [Header("Kills & Score")] 
    private Text killText;
    private Text scoreText;

    [Header("Petrify Counter")]
    private GameObject petrifyPowerIcon;
    private GameObject petrifyContainer;

    private GameObject healthBar;
    private Color fullhealth;
    private Color lowhealth;

    #region Screen Life Cycle

        protected override void UIScreenEnabled() 
            Cursor.visible = false;
        protected override void UIScreenDisabled()
            Cursor.visible = true;


    private void Update()



    public void SetPowerIcons(int powersLeft)
        foreach (Transform child in petrifyContainer.transform) 

        for(int i = 0; i < powersLeft; i++)
            GameObject newIcon = Instantiate(petrifyPowerIcon,, Quaternion.identity);
            newIcon.transform.localScale =;

    public void SetKills(int count)
        killText.text = "Kills: " + count;
    public void SetScore(int count)
        scoreText.text = "Score: " + count;

    public void SetHealth(float health)
        Vector3 newScale = healthBar.transform.localScale;
        newScale.x = health / 100f;
        healthBar.transform.localScale = newScale;
        healthBar.GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.Lerp(lowhealth, fullhealth, newScale.x);

    IEnumerator ShowGameOverScreen()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
        yield return null;
